
I'm a Student from Nottingham Trent University who studies Multimedia and specialises in Animation. This is my work so far...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Simulated Client Project

My final idea for the 30 second Advert, funnly enough came to me in the pub. The gag was that an insect mistakenly uses an Insect repellant instead of a Deodorant. When I left the pub I wrote down the idea and the first draught of the storyboard.

My idea was to start the ad with a character in the shower. The shower gets turned off and a towel is shown being wrapped round the character behind the shower curtain. The curtain is pulled back to reveil a bug. The bug then gets out of shower and puts on shaving cream and begins to shave.

The bug then reaches for a bottle of deodorant, but picks up the Insect repellant instead. The bug then sprays the repellant on his body. The bug then ends up in a bar on his own repelling all the other bugs in the bar, I also had the character standing at the bar adding to the gag as he's a "Barfly".



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