
I'm a Student from Nottingham Trent University who studies Multimedia and specialises in Animation. This is my work so far...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Second Artefact Evaluation

Here is the second artefact evaluation as promised.

Personal Research Project Second Artefact Evaluation

For my second artefact, as stated in my first evaluation I used the same characters. My original idea which will be used in my third artefact will be to lip-synch the two characters to dialogue taken from WAV files of classic Marx Brothers films. This did not happen as I had problems with putting the WAV files into 3D Max. I tried to load the files and 3D Max could not open the file. I eventually found out the problem and will go into it in the third evaluation.

Since I did not have time to produce the second artefact to my original plan, with character dialogue I decided to make a gag out of it for my artefact. The characters meet and say “Hi” to each other so use white board and pen to communicate when no sound comes out when they try to talk. One of the characters writes on their board why can’t they talk and the other replies that the animator can not get the sound into the “Animation program”. I thought it would make a good gag and I could carry on with further whiteboard dialogue through to the end of the animation.

I am quite pleased with my end result but should have had a longer shot on the first white board when the character asks “Why can’t we talk”. The problem does not really matter too much as it is only a short piece of text so can be read pretty quickly.

Since I have completed my second artefact on time, which I had trouble doing for my first artefact, I can concentrate on producing good animation for the rest of the artefacts. These will hopefully improve my animation skills and give me experience in lip-syncing which I have not really had yet.



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